Microbiome Simulation Model
This is a small project which represents how microbial life grow and reproduce.
I created a conceptual simulation for how microbes behave in terms of growth, consumption and reproduction. I aimed to create a visual representation of how microbes consume and reproduce, in an interesting and educational manner.
The simulation model underwent countless iterations; conceptually, in terms of what kind of game or tool I was trying to make, and also mechanically, tinkering with implementations of ai behaviours such as searching for food, hunting and mutations of these traits. This current project is still a work in process but it serves as a stepping stone for the types of projects I am interested in; replicating interesting concepts in visually and mentally curious forms for people to engage with.
In one iteration, the simulated bacteria mutated in colour gradually, which resulted in vibrant displays which highlighted the ‘genetic distance’ of strains of bacteria.
In a later iteration, I tried to implement producer microbes which behave in a manner representative of algae. The green blobs slowly grow, depleting oxygen in its close proximity, until it is large enough to split off into several smaller units.
- Role/s: Engineer/Designer
- Team Size: 1
- Engine: Unity
- Duration: 3 Weeks
- Project Type: Game Development